
Practice During a Match? 19

Won today 6-1, 6-0. The games were closer than the sets. My opponent had a good game. Experienced, good hands, strokes, serve and a deceptive drop shot. He had game point five times but I was able to find some strong focus to win four of them.

Resistance, Stretching and the War of Art 11

Recently I had the honor of meeting Phil Wharton, one of the geniuses in the field of stretching and mobility.

I have been fortunate to study or meet many teachers who are absolute masters in their fields including Steven Covey, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Tony Robbins, Tony Schwartz, Jim Loehr, Eckhart Tolle, Jerry Lynch, Nick Saviano, Ron Rebhuhn, Sean Achor, John Sarno, John Wooden and many others…

Add Phil Wharton to that list.