tennis instruction

What Was Really Happening in Tucson at Tennis Congress 22

When we go somewhere we usually have an idea of why we are going and what we expect to find.

Then, when we least expect it, we find something so different that it is disorienting.

That is what happened in Tucson last week.

Opening Night Welcome: Tennis Congress 2015 16

Three days of teaching from some of the best minds in the industry.

Three days of learning by some of the most passionate recreational athletes in the country.

How about that for some serious synergy?

So how do you get the most out of it?

Short, Sweet and Into the Semis 7

Delayed start today because of overnight rain so Jo Ann and I took a nice walk this morning by the pier. As we were walking along we spotted a dolphin. I have heard it is a sign of luck.

Federer, Belief and the Power of a Good Story 82

“Belief is the scepter of all champions. It’s the way they command respect from their competitors. It’s how they coordinate their amazing talents. In the end, it’s the difference between the legends and the other supremely talented stars.

A New Model for Tennis Improvement? 1474

Just back from The US Tennis Congress, a remarkable weekend in Atlanta, attended by over 200 recreational players all wanting to grow their games. Eager for information these players were welcomed by 60 of the most passionate informed tennis coaches in the World.