
Short, Sweet and Into the Semis 7

Delayed start today because of overnight rain so Jo Ann and I took a nice walk this morning by the pier. As we were walking along we spotted a dolphin. I have heard it is a sign of luck.

First Win of the Season 6

My match was scheduled for today at 9AM. I love playing early. Years of giving early morning tennis lessons trained me in being alert on the court right after getting up so, for me, the earlier the better

Life Lessons from the Australian Open 12

For two weeks, as a spectator and player, I was wowed by the special moments of play that were demonstrated by Dimitrov, Wawrinka, Ivanovic, Federer, Nadal, Djokovic, Cibulkova, Li Na and so many others. The shots they can hit, the level of consistency of their play, and the coverage around the court so complete that it is hard to relate for the rest of us who play.

Forget About New Year’s Resolutions : Instead Write Your Best Story 9

Many people write resolutions for the New Year. When I am with my family, I will spend less time on my cell. I will get to work earlier, make this amount of money, go to the gym 3 times a week and get more fit. It’s a story you hear a lot: people write goals and then don’t think about them again for another year. In the world of storytelling we call that a bad story, a story that doesn’t work. It’s 2014, and it’s time for something different. Something simpler. Something that actually works.

Resistance, Stretching and the War of Art 11

Recently I had the honor of meeting Phil Wharton, one of the geniuses in the field of stretching and mobility.

I have been fortunate to study or meet many teachers who are absolute masters in their fields including Steven Covey, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Tony Robbins, Tony Schwartz, Jim Loehr, Eckhart Tolle, Jerry Lynch, Nick Saviano, Ron Rebhuhn, Sean Achor, John Sarno, John Wooden and many others…

Add Phil Wharton to that list.